The 15 of November 17.00 our supplier Analytik Jena invites you to a webinar named Multiplexing in Real-Time PCR.

With real-time PCR, the amplification of PCR products can be monitored in real-time using fluorescent dyes. This method, often referred to as quantitative PCR (qPCR), is utilized for precise quantitative analysis.

To maximize information obtained from a single sample, multiplex PCR is a widely employed molecular technique capable of amplifying multiple targets in a single PCR experiment. Multiplex PCR has proven to be invaluable for identifying biological parameters and monitoring gene expression in diverse organisms. Multiplexed qPCR combines multiple PCR assays into one, allowing for efficient use of sample material and reducing well-to-well variation. While the targets are amplified simultaneously, they are independently detected using reporters with distinct spectra.

In this web seminar on November 15, 2023 hosted by SelectScience®, Dr. Ines Leonhardt and Melanie Jahn from Analytik Jena will emphasize the advantages of multiplexing in real-time PCR and discuss various challenges and opportunities associated with this multiplex qPCR technique.

Register now to learn about

  • Advantages and challenges in using multiplex qPCR
  • General tips to start multiplexing in qPCR
  • Role of color compensation in qPCR
  • Examples for multiplex qPCR applications

Sign up and read more here.
